Nox app player macro guid
Nox app player macro guid

This gave us enough confidence in the new technologies to decide to continue the development. Finally, after about four months we had a histogramming package that was faster and more efficient than the well-known FORTRAN based HBOOK histogramming package. Again, a few weeks later we had another rewrite of the package without templates since we could only compile the version with templates on one single platform using a specific compiler.

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A few weeks later we had a rewrite of the same package using the, at that time, very new template features of C++. After a few weeks, we had our first histogramming package in C++.

nox app player macro guid

We knew that there is no better way to learn a new programming environment than to use it to write a program that can solve a real problem. In late 1994, we decided to learn and investigate Object Oriented programming and C++ to better judge the suitability of these relatively new techniques for scientific programming. If you think some information should be imported in the ROOT Reference Guide or in the ROOT Manual, please post your request to the ROOT Forum or via a Github Issue. Instead please refer to the ROOT Reference Guide and the ROOT Manual. Some part might be obsolete or wrong, some part might be missing but still some valuable information can be found there.

nox app player macro guid

WARNING: This documentation is not maintained anymore. 26 The Signal/Slot Communication Mechanism.9 Graphics and the Graphical User Interface.

Nox app player macro guid