Cuphead online steam
Cuphead online steam

It may not be crossplay, but it is something that will ease the pain.

cuphead online steam

If you wanted to play co-op to make the game easier, you can always rebind the controls or even download this easy mode mod on PC. Although Studio MDHR did say that Cuphead would never come to PS4 so the team is used to going into previously uncharted territory. I didn’t realize studio MDHR announced they were adding online co-op. There was no mention of online play or online crossplay coming so don’t exactly get your hopes up. However, even that seems unlikely as the team talked about a patch on its blog about an upcoming update that has a playable soundtrack, behind-the-scenes commentary, and some digital art players can look at. Love & Friendship Video Games Cuphead Mugman The Devil King Dice Minutes Heaven. There’s no attached release date (MDHR has only said “2020”) but it’s possible that it could come with a patch to add online. About Cuphead Run-and-gun video game Cuphead was created and released by Studio MDHR. Of course, there is some slight possibility of the game getting some sort of online mode with Delicious Last Course, it’s first piece of DLC. Studio MDHR has not commented on the possibility of adding online multiplayer so as long as it continues to be offline only, it won’t have crossplay of any kind.

cuphead online steam

Given how you can’t play online, you can’t exactly play with another console.

Cuphead online steam